Partonomy list P2, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

vasa lymphatica

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Top level systema cardiovasculare Short Extended
Current level vasa lymphatica Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
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Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
30315 4845 tax
vasa lymphatica
lymphatic vessels
12250 4846 tax
truncus jugularis (par)
jugular trunk (pair)
12252 4847 tax
truncus subclavius
subclavian trunk
37354 4848 tax
plexus lymphaticus axillaris
axillary lymphatic plexus
9585 4849 tax
truncus bronchomediastinalis
bronchomediastinal trunk
5832 4850 tax
ductus lymphaticus dexter ; ductus thoracicus dexter
right lymphatic duct ; right thoracic duct
5031 4851 tax
ductus thoracicus
thoracic duct
66157 4852 tax
arcus ductus thoracici
arch of thoracic duct
66158 4853 tax
pars cervicalis ; pars colli
cervical part
66160 4854 tax
pars thoracica
thoracic part
66161 4855 tax
pars abdominalis
abdominal part
5835 4856 tax
cisterna chyli
cistern of chyle ; chyle cistern
15847 tax
confluens lymphaticus abdominalis
abdominal lymphatic confluence
12765 4857 tax
truncus lumbalis (par)
lumbar trunk (pair)
70775 4858 tax
trunci intestinales
intestinal trunks
5034 4859 tax
nodi lymphatici regionales ; nodi lymphoidei; lympholymphonodi
lymph nodes; lymph glands
15848 tax
trunci lymphatici membri superioris (par)
lymphatic trunks of upper limb (pair)
15852 tax
truncus lymphaticus lateralis membri superioris (par)
lateral lymphatic trunk of upper limb (pair)
15853 tax
truncus lymphaticus medialis membri superioris (par)
medial lymphatic trunk of upper limb (pair)
15854 tax
truncus lymphaticus anterior membri superioris (par)
anterior lymphatic trunk of upper limb (pair)
15871 tax
trunci lymphatici profundi membri superioris (par)
deep lymphatic trunks of upper limb (pair)
15872 tax
truncus ulnaris (par)
ulnar trunk (pair)
15873 tax
truncus radialis (par)
radial trunk (pair)
15874 tax
truncus interosseus anterior (par)
anterior interosseous trunk (pair)
15875 tax
truncus interosseus posterior (par)
posterior interosseous trunk (pair)
15876 tax
truncus brachialis (par)
brachial trunk (pair)
15850 tax
plexus lymphaticus palmaris (par)
palmar lymphatic plexus (pair)
15849 tax
trunci lymphatici membri inferioris (par)
lymphatic trunks of lower limb (pair)
15855 tax
truncus lymphaticus lateralis membri inferioris (par)
lateral lymphatic trunk of lower limb (pair)
15856 tax
truncus lymphaticus medialis membri inferioris (par)
medial lymphatic trunk of lower limb (pair)
15857 tax
truncus lymphaticus posterior membri inferioris (par)
posterior lymphatic trunk of lower limb (pair)
15877 tax
trunci lymphatici profundi membri inferioris (par)
deep lymphatic trunks of lower limb (pair)
15878 tax
truncus tibialis anterior (par)
anterior tibial trunk (pair)
15879 tax
truncus tibialis posterior (par)
posterior tibial trunk (pair)
15880 tax
truncus fibularis (par)
fibular trunk (pair)
15881 tax
truncus popliteus (par)
popliteal trunk (pair)
15882 tax
truncus femoralis (par)
femoral trunk (pair)
15851 tax
plexus lymphaticus plantaris (par)
plantar lymphatic plexus (pair)
38 lines
81.6 %
81.6 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
For a radiological approach, see Harisinghani MG, ed (2013) Atlas of Lymph Node Anatomy. Springer, New York. Several of the radiological subdivision are added to this Section.
A very variable confluens of lymphatic lumbar and intestinal trunks, sometimes forming the cisterna chyli, located retroperitoneally at the level of the L1 or L2 vertebrae (Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
In the upper limb, three main superficial lymphatic trunks are formed from the palmar lymphatic trunk (Kachlik et al. 2017 Surg Radiol Anat 39:405-417). Deep lymphatic trunks in the limbs are termed according to the blood vessel they accompany (Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
In the lower limb, three main superficial lymphatic trunks are formed from the plantar lymphatic trunk (Kachlik et al. 2018 Surg Radiol Anat 40:537-562). Deep lymphatic trunks in the limbs are termed according to the blood vessel they accompany (Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
Type of list P2
List Unit Identifier 4845
Subtotals subchildren 0 subunits 0
Proper children 85
Number of children 85 (validated)
Proper units 38
Number of units 38 (validated)
Signature 17713 (validated since 24.1.2025)
Date: 24.01.2025